Premier Cook Reveals New WA Cabinet Team
Premier Roger Cook has unveiled his new Cabinet to deliver his bold vision for the future of the State – a future that is made in Western Australia.
The Cabinet includes three new Ministers – Girrawheen MLA Meredith Hammat, Kingsley MLA Jessica Stojkovski and Upper House MP Matthew Swinbourn.
They join Deputy Premier Rita Saffioti, and Ministers Stephen Dawson, Jackie Jarvis, Paul Papalia, Dr Tony Buti, Simone McGurk, Amber-Jade Sanderson, John Carey, Don Punch, Reece Whitby, Sabine Winton, David Michael and Hannah Beazley.
Member-elect for Landsdale Daniel Pastorelli has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier as well as Cabinet Secretary.
Kimberley MLA Divina D’Anna and Cockburn MLA David Scaife have been appointed Parliamentary Secretaries to the Premier.
Member of the Legislative Council Samantha Rowe has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Premier Rita Saffioti.
Other Parliamentary Secretaries include Yaz Mubarakai, Pierre Yang, Jodie Hanns, Cassie Rowe, Emily Hamilton, Lisa O’Malley, Caitlin Collins, Dan Caddy, Katrina Stratton and Kim Giddens.
Forrestfield MLA Stephen Price has been endorsed as the candidate for the new Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Upper House MP Alanna Clohessy has been endorsed to remain President of the Legislative Council.
The allocation of portfolios will be announced tomorrow (Tuesday, 18 March 2025).
The new Cook Government Cabinet will be officially sworn in at a ceremony at Government House on Wednesday,19 March 2025.
As stated by Premier Roger Cook:
“My new Cabinet team has the experience, energy and talent to deliver for all Western Australians.
“We will never stop working to repay the trust Western Australia has put in our Government.
“We will ensure WA’s economy remains the strongest in the nation by backing our resources industry, diversifying our economy for the future and making more things here.
“We will work hard every day to make sure that no matter where you live – in our suburbs, our towns or our remote communities – every Western Australian has a decent home, a quality job and access to the services you need.
“My Government has a bold vision for Western Australia.
“It’s a plan to build more things here – to set our State up as a renewable energy powerhouse, create more jobs for Western Australians and invest in training skilled workers for the jobs of the future – a future that is made in WA.” Labor Government/Premier-Roger-Cook-unveils-new-Cabinet-team-to-deliver-for-WA-20250317