Doorstop Interview – T+C Pharmacy Mackay, QLD
GLEN CLARK, PHARMACIST: Welcome to T+C Pharmacy. We have very special guest today, we have the PM here. So, obviously just like to welcome him and welcome him to the store. It’s a brand new store, it’s only been open for about six months now. Thank you for coming to visit us here. I’m really excited to announce your policy with regards to the reduction in the general co-payment down to that $30 limit for patients, which will just make a big difference for those people that are struggling with the rising costs of cost of living. Thank you very much to the Albanese Government for introducing that policy.
ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Can I thank Glen, for the welcome here at the pharmacy here in Mackay. And also thank Jeff, one of the customers of this pharmacy for coming along to be with myself and Senator Murray Watt today. January one was the day when the first ever reduction in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme took place. It’s been around for 75 years and costs have only ever gone up. But from January 1, they’ve come down from $42.50 a script down to $30 per script, maximum cost. Now that makes an enormous difference to families. For a family with two or three kids that can see a reduction of $450 a year, that reduction in costs. So it’s making a big difference for people who rely upon medicines, who have that important relationship with their local pharmacist. Can I give a shout out to all of the pharmacists around Australia. It’s been a tough time going through COVID and dealing with the people’s health issues. A pharmacist is more than just another shop, they are someone that they can rely upon to give that basic assistance and advice. During the pandemic we saw them vaccinate so many tens of thousands of Australians and make a difference. This is a really important event that we’ve had with this reduction in pharmaceuticals. Making a real difference to working Australians who are struggling with the cost of living. I was very pleased that we promised this at the election campaign, and we’re delivering it. In 2023, you’ll see cheaper pharmaceuticals, you’ll see cheaper childcare, and you’ll see other measures taking place to assist with the cost of living pressures. As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, right around the world, we’re seeing inflation in many countries go to double digits. That’s placing real pressure on people’s cost of living. And that’s why we’re reducing the costs of pharmaceuticals, we’re reducing the cost of childcare, that’s why we have a plan to lift wages as well. This government is very focused on dealing with cost of living pressures. And today, here at this pharmacy is just one example of the measures that the government is taking.
CLARK: The advantage is obviously is if we reduce that co-payment from that $40 to $50, down to the $30 mark, a patient can receive a saving of $150 per script within that first 12 months. That’s a massive savings when we’re looking at these patients. And we’re trying to target those patients that are in that category where they need to have more support and medications generally are the supporting function. With reduction of just one medication, and we go to three, that’s a really big benefit.
JEFF CLEMENT, CUSTOMER: I’m one of the lucky ones, I have four scripts a month. Now I’m saving over $50, which is a big help for us at home. Most of my problems are because I had a misspent youth, but never mind, just bits wore out. It’s great because as Anthony said, just over the last year or so things just went up and up and up and other things had to come down at home. So yes, I’m very happy and you’ve done good and you said you would.
JOURNALIST: It’s hard to get pharmacies in the region. Do you think this policy is going to help bring in more pharmacies into regional Queensland?
CLARK: I think there’s a lot of other policies that are being introduced within Queensland that might assist with that, such as the full scope of practice that looks at bringing more of those talents into those areas. But as we know, pharmacists isn’t on the shortlist currently. So that addition of them into that shortlist I think it was just added last year, may bring those overseas pharmacists in to help out. And obviously with the JCU site getting set up in Mackay here for those first and second years, that will also help bring those regional students into the School of Pharmacy.