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Television Interview - Flashpoint WA

Opening remarks – Ministry meeting in Melbourne

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Welcome to the Premier of Victoria, Jacinta Allan. Jacinta and I go back a long way and we’ve been in parliament for almost the same time, but Jacinta was of course very, very young when she went into parliament. But we’ve worked together on Infrastructure, on Regional Development and on our mutual interests that we have and I was very pleased to meet with Jacinta last, seems like a long time ago?


PRIME MINISTER: It was only about ten days ago in the, post her election as the Premier of Victoria, and of course, the second woman to lead this great state. This state we have a lot of work to do to cooperate on. We know that we’re working on health to strengthen Medicare to take pressure off the public health system. We’re working to deliver services such as the NDIS in an efficient way. We’re working importantly, on housing and increasing housing supply including, Victoria was the first state to start off its use of the Social Housing Accelerator with the redevelopment of some high rise in Carlton to make it fit for purpose and to really start delivering in the manner in which we envisaged very quickly it must be said. We have worked strongly on the transition to renewables as well with important projects here in Victoria, including Victoria’s engagement along with Tasmania with the Marianas Link project that is so important. The other thing that is critical in our relationship, of course, is manufacturing, a new industry. Victoria has a great, a great, manufacturing sector. It understands that we do need to make more things here. And our cooperation in that area is very important. I really look forward to welcoming Jacinta to the next meeting of the National Cabinet. We’re working, as well at the moment, on skills and finalising the Skills Agreement going forward. Our fee free TAFE has been incredibly successful, and here in Victoria, you can see, leading work in areas like TAFE and skills development for the people of Victoria. Just as you can see such extraordinary work across a range of areas. Medical research, the Medical Research Precinct, close to where we are now is not just the most significant in Australia, it is as good as anywhere in the world. And what we want to do is to replicate success.

And I really congratulate you Premier on your elevation to the position. I know that you will be diligent, I know you’ll work hard, and I know your work cooperatively as well, looking for areas of common interests for the people that we seek to represent. And I thank you as well for your leadership when it comes to the relationship with the first Australians here in Victoria. We have an important referendum taking place. I woke up in Uluru this morning and it was a very moving moment in my life yesterday afternoon having the wonderful women who did the artwork around the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Artwork that is as beautiful and eloquent as the words of that magnificent statement were. And the way in which they were so welcoming of that has been mirrored with the work that Victoria has done establishing processes so that you can listen to First Nations people here in the state of Victoria really shows the benefit which is which is there and I thank you for your support, along with other premiers. I’ll be in Western Australia with the Premier tomorrow. I’ll be with the Premier of South Australia on Friday morning, and the Premier of Tasmania on Friday afternoon. All States and Territories across the political spectrum supporting the Yes vote in the referendum. So I’ll just asked you to give us the honour of addressing us here.

PREMIER OF VICTORIA: Thank you, Prime Minister. It is indeed an honour to address federal cabinet on behalf of the Victorian Government. And thank you particularly, Prime Minister for the immediate engagement we’ve been able to have with you. Although, as the Prime Minister has said, we’ve known each other for a little while as there’s a number of faces around the room, I’ve known many of you for some time. And it’s also great to meet other ministers for the first time. And I know the Prime Minister, you had a good, long relationship with the previous Premier, and whilst we didn’t share a house together, we almost go back as far in terms of knowing each other.

PRIME MINISTER: Calling it a house is probably elevating it.

PREMIER OF VICTORIA: But I think it does speak that when we have the opportunity to sit at these tables as not just members of parliament, but holding the cabinet positions, the portfolio responsibilities that we all bring to this table Labor governments have always understood that that means you’ve got an opportunity to make a difference. And to not waste a moment in terms of both delivering for people who need Labor government’s the most, some of the most vulnerable in our community, people from disadvantaged backgrounds, but also to how we lift all aspiration and outcomes across the community. And having you, Prime Minister, and your government who takes that cooperative approach. You’ve mentioned collaboration a few times in your introductory comments, that is exactly what we need to be able to address and tackle those critical issues, from housing, to health, to education, to NDIS, to supporting our first peoples here in Victoria and Australia. And that is a shared agenda that we really look forward to working with you. On behalf of my cabinet, we look forward to working with you and your colleagues on progressing these matters and many more. Renewables, you mentioned that as well. There is a big task, but as they should be in terms of bringing the work that we do as members of parliament, as cabinet ministers around the Cabinet table to keep focusing on delivering for those outcomes for, in this case, the Victorian community but obviously from your perspective across the country. So thanks for the chance to join you today.

PRIME MINISTER: Thanks very much, Premier.

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