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Pulling Out All Stops To Get Homes Built

Tasmanian Government

Pulling Out All Stops To Get Homes Built

The Tasmanian Government has been continuing to make Tasmania’s planning system fairer, faster, and simpler, working closely with local government and industry to roll out a suite of key reforms.

Minister for Housing, Planning, and Consumer Affairs, Felix Ellis, said the Tasmanian Liberal Government is pulling out all the stops to get homes out of the ground.

“We are now 40 per cent of the way to reaching our 10,000 social and affordable homes target, and we’re continuing to double down on our efforts, with the appointment of master home builder Ben Wilson as the new Chair of Homes Tasmania,” Minister Ellis said.

“We’ve listened to the home builders, and we know that the building and construction sector has faced too much red-tape when trying to get home-building opportunities out of the ground.

“Our Government is taking strong action, commencing consultation to extend the Urban Growth Boundary to unlock land for almost 10,000 new homes in the south and slashing needless red tape by streamlining the approval of subdivisions.

“We’re also driving confidence in our incredible building and construction industry by giving greater powers to the Licensing Regulator to take action against dodgy builders.

“And unwanted red-tape is being slashed for plumbing approvals – stripping weeks off the time to get homes built.

“We know that if we want to deliver on our ambitious housing and infrastructure agenda, we need more tradies.

“In just the last month, our Government has:

“If you wear high vis, you have no greater supporter than this Tasmanian Liberal Government.”

While declaring the $1.5 billion Cellars Hill Wind farm development a major project, the Tasmanian Government announced powerful reforms to the Major Project pathway.

“We will bring a Bill to Parliament to automatically qualify large renewable energy projects for Major Projects assessment when proponents choose our Major Project pathway– backing in these huge job-creating opportunities to that drive our state forward,” Minister Ellis said.

“We will also bring in legislation to ensure our planning system gives Tasmanians a fair go – limiting appeals to people who are impacted by planning decisions, not organisations whose only interest is holding Tasmania back.

“It’s planning reform like this that will continue to make Tasmania’s planning system simpler, faster, and fairer – a key part of our Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.”

“By unlocking more opportunities for homes and developments to be built, we’re sending a message to home builders and developers far and wide: come and build in Tasmania.

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