After 7 amazing years, tonight will most likely be Jonathan Sriranganathan, Councillor for The Gabba’s last time speaking in the Council chamber at a full meeting of Brisbane City Council.
Jonno’s speech is expected to be at around 5pm but this may change, and the exact time will be added to this post as soon as it’s confirmed: https://www.facebook.com/jonno.sri/posts/pfbid0poe9ZcC4N7jS3mMiWscrUcdrF31jLWhS69d4fPsTe1zXJD45hRjGtdFc1qZdEfmPl
You don’t want to miss this! 💚 Watch online at https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/about-council/governance-and-strategy/council-and-standing-committee-meetings-and-minutes/streaming-of-council-meetings?fbclid=IwAR3TVSv0JCfBD18YiPhPovvEfpFVXXp8qCNMUBxrJNHbyZVa7YhxZZRhFIo
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