Together we’re unstoppable – Queensland Greens
We’ve got a plan to build a powerful and connected movement – and we’d love for you to be a part of it.
Whether it’s joining our online forums, training sessions or calling from home, we have a plan to win and it involves you. Find out more 👉 https://greens.org.au/winqld
Video features Michael Berkman – MP for Maiwar, Greens candidate for McConnel – Kirsten Lovejoy and Amy MacMahon for South Brisbane.
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With Michael:
With Kirsten:
With Amy:
[Michael] G’day it’s Michael here.
[Amy] Hi it’s Amy here!
[Kirsten] Hey there, it’s Kirsten. Right now things are tough. We’re stuck at home with an uncertain future.
[Amy] And maybe you’re wondering what more can I do to create a better world?
[Michael] Well, here’s the thing… if we want a better future it’s up to us.
[Amy] And here’s why:
[Kirsten] As we come out of this crisis there’s going to be a fight for what our future economy and society will look like and we’ve got a choice.
[Michael] Either we let that future be decided by the big corporations and the politicians who do their bidding, or we come together over the next six months to build a powerful movement.
[Amy] A movement of ordinary people, like you and me. Where we fight to put a decent roof over everyone’s head and bring hospitals, electricity and gas back into public hands where they belong.
[Kirsten] Where we make mining corporations and banks pay their fair share of tax to fund world-class, universal, and free public health care and education.
[Michael] Where we create hundreds of thousands of secure jobs tackling climate change – not just with 100% renewable energy, but by manufacturing the solar panels the wind turbines and the batteries we need, right here in Queensland.
[Amy] All of this can’t happen without you! It doesn’t matter if you’re stuck at home.
[Kirsten] Working together online and on the phones we can build a powerful and connected movement.
[Michael] Big corporations and racist politicians will try to divide us up. They’ll tell us that the ‘enemy’ is someone who maybe looks or sounds a little bit different.
[Amy] But we know there’s more that unites us than divides us. And you know what? That terrifies them.
[Kirsten] They are terrified of you, and me and what we can achieve when we work together.
[Michael] So this election let’s remind them of a fact they’ve clearly forgotten:
together we’re unstoppable.
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