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Refocusing Public Service On What Matters To Tasmanians

Tasmanian Government

Refocusing Public Service On What Matters To Tasmanians

A hiring freeze on all non-essential staff within the State Service will be implemented as of today.

While the Tasmanian Government will continue to bolster its recruitment efforts to employ doctors, nurses, paramedics, teachers, and police – action is needed to implement the Government’s Fiscal Strategy.

Treasurer, Guy Barnett, said that Tasmania needs to have the right-sized public service.

“One that operates as effectively and efficiently as possible, meets the needs of the community and provides value for money.

“The Government must consider every taxpayer dollar it spends. That’s what Tasmanians expect.

“We will be working with the state service to increase productivity and better focus the capacity and capabilities of the workforce, including through digital innovation.

The Government acknowledged that there has been a significant increase in the number of state service employees over recent years, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The rate of growth has been greater than the rate of growth in the Tasmanian population,” the Treasurer said.

“The hiring freeze will assist in ensuring Tasmania has the right-sized state service and delivers on the priorities of Tasmanians.”

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