Suspension of the Joint Investigation into the downing of Flight MH17
The Australian Government acknowledges the announcement by the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service and the MH17 Joint Investigation Team that they will suspend their investigation into additional individuals responsible for the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.
Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine and its lack of cooperation with the investigation have rendered ongoing investigative efforts and the collection of evidence impossible at this time.
Australia has been steadfast in our enduring commitment to seeking truth, justice, and accountability for the victims of the downing of MH17.
Today’s announcement will be distressing for many. Our thoughts remain with those who lost their lives, their families and loved ones, and we acknowledge the distress they will be feeling with this announcement.
We note the recent convictions of three individuals found responsible for the downing of MH17 and murder of 298 people, 38 of whom called Australia home.
We commend the work and professionalism of the Joint Investigation Team officials, including the Australian Federal Police, who have conducted rigorous investigations to support bringing those responsible to justice.
The findings of the District Court of The Hague unequivocally and conclusively establish Russia’s responsibility for the downing of MH17.
Australia remains committed to pursuing our ongoing case with the Netherlands in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to hold Russia to account for its role in the downing of the civilian aircraft.