Spirit Of Tasmania Berth 3 Update
The Tasmanian Government is focused on delivering the infrastructure to allow the new Spirits of Tasmania to operate as soon as possible.
As part of our Spirits Recovery Plan, a key priority for the Government and TT-Line over recent months has been to resolve design issues as well as addressing challenges highlighted in the Ben Moloney and Peter Gemell’s Berth for New Vessel Report (October 2024) such as the multiple parallel critical paths and the reliance on offshore supply.
The Government has always said that it would pursue every opportunity to bring forward the timeline for delivery of the new Berth 3, anticipated for completion by February 2027, with the potential to accelerate works for completion as soon as possible.
The most significant time crucial element of Berth 3 is the design and construction of the main gantry structure, including its foundations.
TT-Line has been working to identify opportunities to fast track the existing gantry design and foundations methodology for several months.
Following ongoing geotechnical investigations onsite and engagement with a range of technical experts, TT-Line has identified a potential alternative design for the gantry and methodology for the foundations that maximise the opportunity to deliver the project as quickly as possible.
This matter was considered in detail by the new board of TT-Line at its meeting on 17 March 2025, and has been endorsed by the Government’s steering committee which includes infrastructure experts Ben Moloney and Peter Gemell.
TT-Line is now working with contractors to implement a revised work plan that could fast track the project’s delivery prior to February 2027. Works will continue on-site during this time.