Queensland Greens It's been a busy 14 daysIn the last two sitting weeks of the Senate, Andrew has highlighted an incredible amount of injustice and inequality that has been happening...
Queensland Greens #nevergiveupNever Give Up. Speech by Senator Andrew Bartlett on Wednesday 29 November 2017, the day the Marriage Equality bill passed the Australian Senate.The content above from the originating...
Queensland Greens A Public Infrastructure Bank for QueenslandLook around your city...do you think we have enough schools, hospitals and green space? We need to invest in essential public infrastructure. SHARE...
Queensland Greens Queensland is so close…People all across the country are so excited about the incredible opportunity we have here on Saturday. But Labor have been lying to people in...
Queensland Greens Universal ChildcareDid you know that since 2012 the cost of childcare has grown faster than power prices? Watch this and SHARE if you think it’s time for public,...
Queensland Greens Queensland Greens - What we're fighting for this electionIt's never been more important to let your voice be heard. Here's what we're fighting for this election when you...
Queensland Greens Better, Cheaper Public TransportOn the bus, train or ferry home from work? We want you to pay $1 fares or free for under 18s. Check it out! And...
Queensland Greens Adani Update"This is what happens when the Greens are breathing down the necks of the two major parties. But this is not end of the Adani coal mine....
Queensland Greens It's Time to Give Queenslanders a BreakYou only live once and the most precious parts of our lives are those spent with loved ones or enjoying a day...
Queensland Greens We have an opportunity this election…The clock is ticking for us to stop climate change, stop Adani, and to help the 29,000 Queenslanders waiting for social housing. We...