Australian Greens Australian Security Intelligence OrganisationSenator Scott Ludlam asks ASIO questions at Budget Estimates on 30 May 2013View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens Australian Federal PoliceSenator Scott Ludlam asks the Australian Federal Police about data retention and internet filteringView Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens Special Broadcasting ServiceSenator Ludlam asks questions of SBS at Senate Estimates on 30 May 2013View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens Minister Conroy, are you filtering our internets?Senator Scott Ludlam asks the Department and Minister for Communications on the matter of internet filtering at Senate Estimates on 30 May...
Australian Greens Attorney General's Department on Data RetentionSenator Ludlam asked the Attorney General's Department on data retention at Senate Estimates on 29 May 2013View Original | Disclaimer
Australian Greens Senator Ludlam questions PM&C on internet filtering, Wikileaks and cybersecurityin Senate Estimates on Monday 27 May, Senator Ludlam questioned officials from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet...
Australian Greens Larissa Waters on ABC News: time for an increase for NewStartLarissa joined Adam Stone, Major Rick Hoffmann (Salvation Army), Toni McPherson (a single parent), Georgina Warrington (Welfare Rights...
Australian Greens Australia - it's time for marriage equalityWA Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson for families and community services, speaks about the importance of marriage equality.View Original |