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Tasmania Unveils Vision for Women and Girls in Sport

Tasmanian Government

Tasmania Unveils Vision for Women and Girls in Sport

A new Tasmanian Government strategy is seeking to map out a long-term, robust vision of women and girls’ sport in Tasmania.

Minister for Sports and Events, Nick Duigan, said he was pleased to launch the consultation on the development of the government’s Women and Girls in Sport Strategy –– aimed to enable greater access and participation for women and girls in sport and active recreation across all parts of the state.

“We know sport gives Tasmanians the opportunity to increase their physical and mental health and wellbeing, as well as develop confidence and leadership skills, while bringing people and communities together,” Minister Duigan said.

“A key part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future is building stronger communities by removing barriers for women and girls so they can participate to their full potential.

“We value the input and contribution of the Tasmanian community and that is why we are seeking feedback to help shape the future for women and girls in sport and active recreation.

“We want to understand what is needed to increase and sustain women and girls’ participation –– to play, coach, lead and compete in sport and active recreation activities.”

Minister for Women and the Prevention of Family Violence, Jo Palmer said the Government was committed to ensuring women and girls in Tasmania continue to pursue their sporting passion.

“While girls and boys engage in sport in equal numbers at a young age, research does suggest that female participation in sport drops off around the age of 15,” Minister Palmer said.

“We want to ensure women and girls can continue to engage in their chosen sport and community feedback will help us identify – and address- some of the barriers that exist to long-term participation in sport.”

The Strategy presents an opportunity for Tasmanians to have their say and help guide the long-term vision for women and girls in sport across Tasmania.

Consultation is open until Sunday, 11 May 2025.

Tasmanians can register to attend a face-to-face statewide workshop or complete an online survey here.

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