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Tasmania's Nation-leading Vaping Reforms Progress

Tasmanian Government

Tasmania’s Nation-leading Vaping Reforms Progress

Tasmania is supporting our youth to be vape free, with the preliminary passing of the nation-leading Public Health Amendment (Vaping) Bill 2024 in the Legislative Council today.

Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Roger Jaensch, said the Tasmanian Government is committed to strong action against vaping in our community.

“The vaping Bill is designed to curb the rising tide of youth vaping, safeguarding the health of future generations,” Minister Jaensch said.

“In October last year, the national laws about the sale of e-cigarette products changed, meaning in some states adults can buy certain e-cigarette products over the counter in pharmacies without a prescription.

“However, the Tasmanian Government instead took a nation-leading approach to protect our community, particularly our youth, from the harms of vaping.

“Tasmania has retained the requirement that e-cigarettes can only legally be accessed through a pharmacy and that adults must have a doctor’s prescription to access e-cigarettes, e-liquid and vaping devices.

“The sale of e-cigarettes, e-liquid and vaping devices to people aged under 18 also remains prohibited in Tasmania.

“I am pleased the vaping Bill has now passed through both houses of the Tasmania Parliament so we can continue working towards all actions possible to protect our community from the harms of vaping.

“Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future is all about developing stronger communities, which is what this Bill is all about.”

To support young people to quit vaping a number of information resources are available here.

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