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Labors budget is disappointing....

The Australian Greens

Labors budget is disappointing.

The new tax cuts will barely scratch the surface for those struggling. A low income earner gets 73 cents a day – less than the cost of a cup of coffee per week. Meanwhile, billionaires like Clive Palmer and Gina Rinehart get billions of dollars in handouts.

Labor has delivered $56 billion in fossil fuel subsidies and $176 billion for wealthy property investors while delivering nothing new for renters, no increase to income support payments and slashing billions more from the NDIS.

Labor could have used this Budget to tackle the cost of living, get dental into Medicare, and make big corporations pay their fair share. Instead, Labor and the Liberals are poised to smash through a vote to gut our environment and climate laws.

It’s a grim double act: a budget that fails to meet the moment and a government siding with the Liberals to protect big corporations over everyday people and the planet.

This election, we have the chance to put more Greens MPs in Parliament to fight for you.

We can tax billionaires and big corporations to fund the things we need – dental into Medicare, wiping all student debt, a freeze and cap on rents, cheaper groceries and so much more.

But what is clearer than ever before – we can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result.

Change is possible, but you’ll have to vote for it.

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