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Our ‘wild election proposal’ will introduce new price gouging laws, divestiture ...

The Australian Greens

Our ‘wild election proposal’ will introduce new price gouging laws, divestiture powers, and a tough new corporate watchdog to monitor illegal rorting in the major supermarkets.

In Parliament, Labor & the Liberals voted against our bills to create divestiture powers & make supermarket pricegouging illegal. So we’re taking our pitch to the people this election.

And who can be surprised when over the last decade, Labor has taken almost half a million in political donations from Coles and Woolworths. The Coalition pocketed $5 million.

If you’re sick of the duopoly and getting smashed at the checkout: show them at the ballot box.

This election, vote 1 Greens to keep Dutton out and get Labor to act on grocery prices.

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