We’re entering into formal negotiations with the government over their climate bill. This is a climate parliament and there are no limits on what we can achieve together.
There’s a number of issues we’ll raise with the government, including:
🔥The fact their target won’t keep us below 1.5 degrees of warming
❌ The Bill doesn’t seem to allow for the target to be increased in the future without coming back to Parliament. The bill must operate as a floor, not a ceiling, with 43% as a minimum target that can be increased easily in the future.
🚨The lack of enforcement mechanisms in the bill that would compel the government to actually cut pollution.
🤦🏽♀️ Labor’s backing of new coal and gas projects already in the pipeline, which would lift pollution and blow even the weak 43% target.
We’ll enter into good faith negotiations with the government on all of these concerns.
The path towards a different climate future is ours: the government just has to make the choice to take it.
We’ll keep you posted!
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