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WA Greens

The Greens (WA)

JUST IN: the WA Labor Government *knowingly* risked the water supply to Perth and the South West to put the profits of US mining company Alcoa first.

That’s the explosive revelation from an investigation published by Boiling Cold today.

Not only did the Cook Labor Government ignore expert advice from both the Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, they LIED to the WA public about it.

This is worse than simply a failure: it is a profound betrayal of every single Western Australian and our precious environment.

WA deserves better than a premier who turns his back on us in favour of foreign-owned mining companies and their dizzying profits.

Only the Greens are willing to stand up to big corporations to protect the environment and the community — because unlike the major parties, we don’t take their donations and we’re not beholden to their demands.

Remember that when you head to the polling booth this state election ✅

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