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WA Greens

The Greens (WA)

It’s been a big day for media bombshells exposing the WA Labor Government’s environmental credentials – or lack thereof, as it were 😐

This time, the government has been forced to release the report they used as the basis for their EPA reforms last year – after more than a year of trying to keep it under wraps.

Now that the review is finally public, it’s clear why they fought so hard to make sure no one saw it.

Lacking references, source material or any real data, the report is essentially a series of thought bubbles about giving industry what they want from EPA processes.

The EPA is the thin green line in WA. It’s the most robust safeguard available for our incredibly precious natural environment. But using this shoddy review as a basis, the WA Labor Government chose to eviscerate the EPA at the behest of their corporate donors.

If there was any doubt before, today’s news proves that WA Labor absolutely cannot be trusted when it comes to protecting our precious places.

We need more Greens in WA Parliament to hold them to account, and protect our environment from corporate interests.

If you want change, you know what to do this state election (hint: vote 1 Greens) 🗳️

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