A Life Changing Life in the Care and Support Sector
One of Australia’s fastest-growing sectors will be spotlighted in a national campaign to encourage people to consider a career in care and support work.
The care and support sector, which includes aged care, disability support and veterans’ care, is set to generate hundreds of thousands of jobs across Australia over the next decade.
Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Bill Shorten said the A Life Changing Life campaign will help meet growing demand for care and support workers.
“The campaign reflects this Government’s commitment to building a sustainable, responsible and capable workforce in the disability sector,” Minister Shorten said.
A Life Changing Life campaign materials feature a range of real life workers across aged care, disability support and veterans’ care, and the people they work with. The campaign highlights the unique experiences and examples of opportunities available in the sector.
Minister for Aged Care, Anika Wells said the campaign aims to attract aged care workers, highlighting the benefits of working in aged care and the supports available to employers to help grow the care and support sector.
“Our compassionate, diverse aged care workforce show their invaluable relationships with the people they care for in this campaign,” Minister Wells said.
“We want people considering a job in aged care to know this is a career where they will be rewarded professionally and personally.”
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Matt Keogh said the Australian Government is committed to supporting our veterans.
“Our veterans have given our country their best in times of war, conflict and peace, and they deserve nothing less than Australia’s best in return following their service,” Minister Keogh said.
“I encourage anyone looking at working in the care and support sector to consider the importance of working with our veteran community.”
“Building the care and support workforce ensures we can meet the changing needs of people with disability and older Australians, now and into the future,” Minister Shorten said.
A suite of tools and resources including more information about the care and support sector is available at www.careandsupportjobs.gov.au.