New Taskforce to help improve NDIS registration
A new Taskforce will work with people living with disability to ensure provider and worker registrations lead to better outcomes for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, Minister for the NDIS the Hon Bill Shorten MP announced today.
The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce will provide expert advice to Government on the best approach to overhaul the current registration system for those who deliver supports while, crucially, maintaining choice and control for participants – as recommended by the NDIS Review.
The landmark independent NDIS Review recommended a graduated risk-proportionate regulatory model, as well as a new provider risk framework, to improve the visibility and regulation of NDIS providers and workers. The Taskforce will support the co-design and development of the reform for Government’s consideration.
This Taskforce will be led by trusted lawyer and disability advocate Natalie Wade, former chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Allan Fels, former ACTU Assistant Secretary and training and safety expert Michael Borowick and former Administrator of the Northern Territory Vicki O’Halloran.
“The new regulatory system currently being designed will help ensure no one is invisible or forgotten on the NDIS,” Minister Shorten says.
“Australia can lead the world in a regulation model of disability services, including delivering trail blazing solutions like we want to achieve with the NDIS.
“To do this, we need to overhaul the current shoddy and inconsistent registration by making it more transparent and targeted to deliver quality and consistent outcomes that reach all groups of participants and providers.
“Together with the disability community, this Taskforce will give Government advice to design a new regulatory model to close the gaps that currently exist in regulation of the NDIS market for people with disability.
“We want to reassure participants and their families this is not about removing choice and control, rather delivering quality and safety.
“It is about ensuring participants continue to receive quality supports that recognise their human rights and support their safety and quality of life.
“Australians also reasonably expect the Government to know how funding is being spent, whether it’s the NDIS, Medicare or Centrelink.
“The Taskforce, led by Ms Wade, has deep knowledge and experience about the regulation of supports and services used by people with disability in the NDIS, and contemporary regulatory practice.
“The NDIS is about people with disability, not making millions of dollars for some shonky providers. It’s about genuine small businesses, start-ups, people who want to make a difference on a level playing field and a fair go against the fly-by-nighters and quick-buck merchants.”
The NDIS Review’s recommendation is designed to ensure there is greater oversight of those responsible for delivering services through the NDIS, while continuing to promote choice and control for the participants who receive those supports.
The Taskforce will look at ways to ensure all providers meet a minimum regulatory standard, especially those delivering more intensive supports, while minimising the administrative impacts associated with the enrolment and registration process.
The Taskforce will take a gradual approach and will be informed by the disability community, as well as the NDIS provider market and workers to ensure the best outcomes for everyone.
It will also work directly with the Department of Social Services, where a specialised Review team has been set up to work through the Review’s recommendations.
Based on recommendations in the Review, the Taskforce will consider options to:
- Ensure the new regulatory arrangements support the rights of people with disability so they can continue to exercise choice and control, including a direct employment model
- Enable participants who are self-managing to continue to do so
- Reduce the risk of harm to people with disability.
The Taskforce will provide a report with advice and recommendations in mid 2024.