Training boost for regional Victoria under TAFE Technology Fund
The Albanese Labor Government is continuing to support the growth of TAFE in Victoria, investing almost $1 million in campuses across Gippsland under the TAFE Technology Fund.
The $960,000 grant will be used to replace key pieces of specialist equipment and introduce Hybrid and Electric Vehicle (EV) resources.
The investment will support the delivery of EV automotive training at TAFE Gippsland across regional campuses at Bairnsdale, Warragul, Leongatha, Port of Sale and Yallourn.
The project is part of the $21.8 million tranche 2 of the TAFE Technology Fund.
Through both tranches of the Fund, TAFEs across the country will share in $50 million to upgrade and expand their facilities including laboratories, workshops, new equipment and simulated learning environments.
This investment builds on opportunities created through the Albanese Government’s Fee-Free TAFE initiative, working with the Victorian Government and other states and territories to remove financial barriers for over 355,000 Australians to enrol in 2023.
More than 48,500 Victorians enrolled in Fee-Free TAFE last year, including more than 13,000 in regional areas of the state.
The growing number of people across Victoria studying and training in essential areas of our economy is helping Australia respond to skills shortages and prepare for our country’s future.
The Albanese Government is providing $414 million for an additional 300,000 Fee-Free TAFE and VET places nationwide over the next three years.
Quotes attributable to the Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP:
“If we want to provide greater opportunity in the regions for secure and rewarding employment, we must be able to skill and reskill our workforce.
“Students across Victoria are benefiting from our commitment to reinvigorate the vocational education and training sector, with $8.6 million going to the state over Tranches 1 and 2 of the TAFE Technology Fund.
“The TAFE Technology Fund helps ensure TAFEs in Victoria are equipped to deliver training to the standards expected by industry and students.”
Quotes attributable to the Victorian Minister for Skills and TAFE, the Hon Gayle Tierney MP:
“Investments like these are powering progress whilst propelling our regional communities towards a future of innovation and opportunity.”
“By enhancing our TAFE facilities in Gippsland with cutting-edge technology, we empower our students to master the skills demanded by evolving industries.”
“I thank the Albanese Labor Government for this grant which will provide Victorians with the tools they need to thrive in tomorrow’s workforce and maintain Victoria’s status as a national leader in vocational education.”
Quotes attributable to Senator for Victoria, Jess Walsh:
“This investment will help Gippsland TAFE skill our workforce for the jobs of the future.
“Working on hybrid and electric vehicles is now a critical part of automotive training, and now Gippsland students will be able to learn with upgraded equipment.”
“Gippsland TAFE is already doing fantastic work, and this funding will give them a tech boost to be even better.”