Press Conference – University of South Australia
SUBJECTS: Universities Accord; new university South Australia.
JASON CLARE, MINISTER FOR EDUCATION: This is a big day and this is a big deal. It’s a big deal for South Australia, but it’s also a big deal for the whole country.
A couple of weeks ago, I announced the start of the Universities Accord, which is a big and broad review of our higher education system. That work is being led by Mary O’Kane, the former Vice Chancellor of the University of Adelaide. It’s the first big and broad review of the university sector, of the higher education sector, in almost 15 years, when that work was done by Denise Bradley, the former Vice Chancellor of the University of South Australia.
That review has big ambitions and this announcement today shows us what is possible, how we can build a university of the future. It potentially is a magnet for some of the biggest brains and best students from all around the world to come and live and work and study here in South Australia.
And in the documents we’ve signed today, we’ve committed the Commonwealth Government, my Department, working with the two universities, to help with the development of the business case and the financial plan.
As Peter [Malinauskas] said, this is something that’s been talked about for a long time. It is a long time coming. The difference here, I think, is the leadership that you see and the people behind me. Peter rightly pointed out, Susan [Close], I don’t think this would have happened without all of the energy and drive that you have put into this task in opposition and now in government, and I thank you for it. And can I also thank the Chancellors and the Vice Chancellors as well.
We can make something new here in South Australia that is going to make a difference, not just for South Australians, but for the whole country. And as I said, the leadership matters. I think it was in the first conversation we had as Premier and Federal Minister for Education, Peter, you made the point that this is big microeconomic reform, the sort of game-changing reform that will change people’s lives here in South Australia. And I’m very glad that, as part of the Commonwealth Government, we can be part of making that difference here. It wouldn’t have happened without you, and I thank you for your leadership.