Survey reveals latest download on digital content
Research conducted for the Attorney-General’s Department has revealed the rate of Australians accessing online content unlawfully remains disturbingly high.
Last November the Government announced a review of copyright enforcement mechanisms to ensure Australia’s copyright laws remain fit-for-purpose and better able to adapt to evolving technologies and behaviours.
The 2022 Consumer Survey on Online Copyright Infringement report reveals 61 per cent of survey respondents consumed content lawfully, while 39 per cent consumed at least some content in ways that were likely to be unlawful. Overall 72 per cent of respondents are accessing entertainment online, including television, films, music, games and sports.
The Albanese Government is committed to copyright laws that protect Australian artists and enable them to earn a living from their creative works, while ensuring more people can continue to easily enjoy entertainment.
This year’s survey captures emerging trends in how Australians are unlawfully accessing content. This data will help the Government’s copyright enforcement review understand this problem.
The public consultation process for the copyright enforcement review will close on 7 March 2023.
More information on the review, including the issues paper released for consultation, can be found on the Copyright enforcement review 2022-23 page.
*The 2022 survey includes a new category of ‘paying a small fee to access shared login credentials for subscription services’ across all content areas. This is reflected in the uptick of unlawful consumption rate and is not a direct comparison with earlier surveys.