Minister drags heels on York tip decisions, Davies
The Labor Minister for Environment has failed to answer questions from Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies MLA on when a decision will be made on the York tip proposal.
In Question Time this week Ms Davies called on the Minister to make it clear when the community could expect a decision given the Environmental Protection Agency had provided
“The proposal to build a tip at the entrance of the York community threatens to disrupt and damage a pristine agricultural and tourism destination,” Ms Davies said.
“The Environmental Protection Agency made its recommendation on the project in May this year, so the decision has been with the Minister for nearly four months.
“The Minister is dragging his heels and leaving the community in limbo when it is clear that the proposal should be rejected.”
Ms Davies said the Minister was required to take the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommendation into consideration, but could also consider other factors in making a final determination.
“It is clear the community rejects the proposal so it is baffling why the Minister is taking so long to draw a line through the project once and for all,” Ms Davies said.
“Along with a petition with over 700 signatures rejecting the proposal, I’d point to the fact it doesn’t conform to the Shire of York’s planning scheme and has already been rejected by the Mid West and Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment Panel.
“Approving a new tip site would also fly in the face of the Government’s own policy to work toward a reduction in waste via FOGO bins, recycling, containers for change and other initiatives.”
Ms Davies said the Minister should put the community out of their misery and reject the proposal.
“We don’t want increased traffic movements on the winding road that is the Great Southern Highway, we don’t want risks to the groundwater, and we don’t want a tip as the entry statement to the beautiful historic town of York,” Ms Davies said.
“If approval is given, I am concerned that it would be the beginning of other similar developments in the Avon arc and Wheatbelt for Perth’s waste.”
Ms Davies said it was disappointing the Minister avoided the question in Parliament and would not say when a final decision would be made.