Nationals WA Candidate for the South West Region Louise Kingston outlines next steps for…
Nationals WA Candidate for the South West Region Louise Kingston has today spoken to the Western Australian Electoral Commission’s timeline to elect a new Member of Parliament, confirming the formal recount would be conducted on Tuesday, 19 September 2023.
Ms Kingston re-affirmed the South West needs a Nationals WA member who will champion the interests of the community and stand against WA Labor’s handbrake on the state.
“Our community today has more clarity on what steps are involved in electing a new local member,” Ms Kingston said.
“The Western Australian Electoral Commission has informed the Nationals WA of the timeline, with the new member likely to be announced on Tuesday, 19 September 2023.
“Now more than ever, the South West Region needs strong representation to break free from the constraints placed on us by the current WA Labor Government.
“As someone who has lived in our community for over 20 years, I am ready to take up the fight against Labor’s thoughtless bans, funding shortfalls and total lack of respect for regional people.”
The WAEC wrote to the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Nationals WA Shane Love, confirming the following steps:
- Publication of Notice of Vacancy: The Commission will publish a notice of the vacancy and invite “qualified persons” to nominate on Saturday, September 9, 2023.
- Nomination Period: Nominations will be accepted for a period of 10 days after the notice is published, concluding at 12 noon on Tuesday, September 19, 2023.
- Recount Procedure: Following the closure of nominations, a recount will be conducted at 2pm using the Commission’s Count WA software. This recount will exclude the name of the person who created the vacancy.
- Notification of Elected Member: Once the recount is completed, the Electoral Commissioner will promptly notify the Governor of the newly elected Member of Parliament.