Nationals WA Petition calling for extended consultation on firearms reform reaches major…
The Nationals WA petition, calling for the Cook Labor Government to extend the firearms reform consultation period from one month to three months, has reached a significant milestone, gaining over 8000 signatories in under a week.
The petition, launched by the Nationals WA and the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia WA, seeks to extend the consultation period to ensure the changes are relevant and practical, and that all voices are heard on this significant legislative reform.
Leader of The Nationals WA Shane Love said the support for the petition indicated that thousands of people in the community were asserting their frustration about the Cook Labor Government’s curbed consultation processes.
“The Cook Labor Government has once again shown their arrogant disregard for the people of Western Australia with their ‘policy-on-the-run’ approach to legislation. This approach has no place in our state,” Mr Love said.
“Thousands of West Australians are standing united and demanding the arrogant Cook Labor Government show them some respect by taking community consultation seriously.”
Mr Love also slammed WA Labor’s Police Minister Paul Papalia for rejecting the thousands of calls to extend the consultation period, despite the Government admitting to botching a reform of cultural heritage legislation only months prior.
“From day one, the Nationals WA called for an extension of consultation. Now, despite thousands of West Australians backing the Nationals’ call, Minister Papalia has rejected an extension.
“Enough is enough – West Australians are fed up with the Cook Labor Government taking them for granted. There must be proper consultation when a government is disregarding the National Firearms Agreement.”
Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Member for the Agricultural Region Colin de Grussa said The Nationals WA are listening closely to the concerns of West Australians.
“The Nationals WA are committed to representing the interest of all West Australians by advocating for an extended consultation period,” Mr de Grussa said.
Mr de Grussa said more than 8,000 signatures on this petition reflected the urgent need for the tired and arrogant Cook Labor Government to act in good faith and extend the consultation.
“The Nationals WA will deliver this petition to Parliament in the coming weeks – there are just two weeks left in the government’s consultation period, which is taking submissions until Tuesday 14 November 2023. We must stop the Labor Government from rushing this now.”
The Nationals WA are encouraging all West Australians to take a stand to ensure any amendments to the Firearms legislation are properly and carefully considered. To sign the Nationals WA’s petition, visit: www.nationalswa.com/firearmspetition