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UK Addresses Eighth Review on Nuclear Waste Safety

UK Gov

UK Addresses Eighth Review on Nuclear Waste Safety

Delivered at the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 19 March 2025


The United Kingdom remains gravely concerned about the nuclear safety risks associated with Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine, including its continued control of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), which is preventing the competent authorities of Ukraine from upholding their commitments and responsibilities as a Contracting Party to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management.

We reject the Russian Federation’s claims of ownership of ZNPP and its reporting of Ukrainian civil nuclear facilities in its national report and presentation to the Joint Convention Review Meeting. We endorse the consistent position of the International Atomic Energy Agency that the ZNPP is a Ukrainian power plant.

Only Ukraine’s competent authorities are entitled to report on ZNPP. The Russian Federation’s inclusion of nuclear and radiation facilities that form part of the territory of Ukraine should be rejected outright by the 8th Review meeting and as President to the Review Meeting, we ask that you ensure this is achieved.

We commend Ukraine for its continued commitment to participate in the 8th Review Meeting and meet the obligations of the Joint Convention for the safety of spent fuel and radioactive waste management in what are exceptionally difficult circumstances.

Russia’s actions have demonstrated a blatant disregard for international nuclear safety and the objectives of the Joint Convention. Russia’s reckless activity in the vicinity of all of Ukraine’s nuclear facilities has created unacceptable risks. It is clear that Russia, in the context of the Joint Convention, is acting counter to the principles of Article 1 on maintaining levels of safety, effective defences against potential hazards and the prevention of accidents.

We express our full support to the IAEA for its work with Ukraine to help decrease the risk of a nuclear accident and ensure the safety of nuclear material and facilities in Ukraine. We are grateful to IAEA personnel who continue to operate under the most challenging of circumstances.

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