Dr Ratnam asks the Housing Minister to continue funding for important programs in public housing
Dr RATNAM (Northern Metropolitan): “My question today is for the Minister for Housing. COVID has highlighted the inequalities and service gaps in our communities, especially for people living in public housing.
The high-risk accommodation response program has funded important on-the-ground services and programs for residents living in high-density housing, but with the funding ending in July, community organisations will leave the estates and so many great local programs will end. In Carlton, Cohealth has been running a program that gives female residents the opportunity to connect socially and get active through swimming and other activities like yoga. They have been supporting women of all ages and abilities, including single mothers and their children, elderly women and people with mobility issues. The program is supporting the social, mental and physical health and wellbeing of these women, and for many participants this is their only opportunity to leave the house.
My question is: will the government urgently renew HRAR funding to ensure we do not lose these important programs?”
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