No new gas project from Esso – Adjournment speech from Victorian Greens Leader Samantha Ratnam
Gas is a polluting fossil fuel, just like coal. It’s making the climate crisis worse and is causing extreme weather events including flooding and fires.
For the sake of our climate and our health, we need to get off gas. Victoria says no to new gas projects.
Esso’s new gas project should not be allowed to proceed
In this adjournment speech, Samantha Ratnam MLC asks the Planning Minister to urgently request an environment effects statement to fully and independently identify the impacts of Esso’s project on the climate and local environment in Hastings.
This adjournment speech was made on 1 September 2022.
Follow Samantha:
Transcript: https://www.samantharatnam.org.au/adjournment_esso_gas
#nomoregas #climatechange #climateaction #gas #esso #environment #hastings #melbourne #victoria #parliament #thegreens #samantharatnam #vicgreens
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