⚠️URGENT CALL TO ACTION to protect public homes against privatisation! ⚠️ We’ll be joining the community and Public Housing – Everybody’s Business TOMORROW at 11.30am on the steps of parliament house (Spring St), to demand that the Minister for Housing meet with public housing resident Margaret Kelly. Margaret is a 68 year old former adult education teacher and Disability Pensioner, who has lived at the Barak Beacon Public Housing Estate in Port Melbourne for over two decades. She has been issued with an eviction notice to leave, by Tuesday 16 May, by the Victorian Labor Government. Residents, like Margaret, should not be evicted from their homes just so property developers can get their hands on prime land. The Greens will be joining Margaret, fellow public housing residents and activists on the steps of parliament tomorrow at 11.30am to hear them out and show our support. Please come along and share this CALL TO ACTION with your networks. #publichousing #saveBarakBeacon #SavePublicHousing #housing Friends of Public Housing (Victoria) The Save Public Housing Collective