I grew up in Warragul, in Gippsland. I went to a great local school – and had some incredible teachers. The kind of teachers that made us kids believe in ourselves, and what we could do.
Their example is what made me want to be a teacher too. So in 2010, I left Gippsland and moved to Melbourne to study education.
I ended up doing most of my training under a Liberal Government. And I saw what it did to our schools and to our kids.
Cuts to learning programs. Cuts to school upkeep.
They cut the Education Maintenance Allowance, which helped low-income families pay for their kids’ school uniforms, shoes and books. They even cut Free Fruit Fridays.
To see something as important as kids’ education on the chopping block… it says everything you need to know about the Liberals.
Over the past eight years – this Labor Government has been working to undo their damage.
Building and upgrading our schools. Supporting families with the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. Making sure every child starts the school day ready to learn with School Breakfast Clubs.
And because every young person deserves to be optimistic about their future – Labor has invested in regional schools, with more than $31 million for new and upgraded school facilities in Warragul – compared to not one cent under the former Liberal Government.
But all of it is on the line at this election.
It’s the reason I’m working as Labor’s field director and the reason I’m asking for your help.
I can’t do it alone – and our kids can’t risk a Guy Liberal Government.
We have less than a week.
So please, I’m asking, sign up to knock doors and make calls.
Every conversation counts.
And our kids’ future is counting on it.