Andrews must lift senseless mandate on SES
With predictions of more flooding, higher risks and more communities in danger, Daniel Andrews must immediately lift his senseless mandate on SES volunteers.
Victorian SES volunteers are amazing, but we can’t afford to burn them out due to a government that continues to impose unnecessary COVID rules.
Victoria’s pandemic declaration has expired, yet a team of SES volunteers who could have a meal together in a café, couldn’t step out the front door and sandbag the same business.
This is illogical.
Over the coming days, the government will expect the hard-working volunteers to roll up their sleeves and continue shifts that stretch from morning to overnight shifts. The floods don’t stop at 5, and neither do our emergency responders.
The Liberals and Nationals are calling for these restrictions to be lifted urgently, we can’t afford another week with volunteers reaching burnout as the government refuses to act.
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