Calls to reinstate rail buffet service
Amid a growing number of complaints, Nationals Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, has called on the Public Transport Minister to provide a buffet car service on V/Line long-haul trains that travel directly to and from Melbourne.
“Over recent months there has been an increasing amount of people lodging complaints that they can no longer purchase a snack or a drink on this long-haul route, which is a step back in service delivery,” Mr Bull said.
“You would think in this day and age we would be looking to improve services to patrons, but it is not the case here.
“I don’t think it is too much to ask for a passenger on an almost four-hour long train trip to be able to buy something to eat or drink.”
Mr Bull said when he had raised this issue previously, he had been told there would be no food or drink available to purchase on the new VLocity trains, but then discovered the Albury line, which also runs VLocitys, is equipped with on-board café facilities.
“If it is OK on that line, why is this not being duplicated around the state, including on the Gippsland line,” he said.
“Another issue that has arisen is the loss of baggage checking services on current VLocity carriages, which is making the rail journey burdensome, particularly for elderly passengers.
“I have also asked the Minister to please reinstate this service, so those who need assistance with their luggage receive it,” he said.
Caption: Nationals MP, Tim Bull, is calling for the reinstatement of on-board buffet facilities on all long-haul rail services, including the Bairnsdale line.