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#Opinion Failure to learn from previous disasters leaves WA under...

Victorian Nationals

Dr. Anne Webster MP – Real cost-of-living relief for all regional Australians at the…

Mallee residents will benefit from immediate cost-of-living relief from an incoming Coalition Government, in stark contrast to Labor’s cruel hoax yesterday of ‘modest’ relief in 425 days’ time, Member for Mallee Dr Webster said this morning.

“Tonight, in the Coalition’s Budget In Reply speech, Peter Dutton will announce an elected Dutton-Littleproud Coalition Government will provide a 50 per cent cut per-litre to fuel excise for 12 months.

“This measure demonstrates the incredible importance for Mallee and regional Australians that The Nationals have great influence in the Party Room and in Cabinet.”

Under a Coalition Government, petrol and diesel excise rates will reduce from 50.8 cents to 25.4 cents per litre for one year.
A household with one vehicle filling up once a week will save around $14 a week – an average benefit of around $700-750 over 12 months (based on a 55-litre tank).

For households with two cars filling up once a week, they will save around $28 a week on average – or close to $1500 over 12 months.

“This measure does two things Labor has failed to do – it provides immediate relief and is fiscally responsible.  While costing approximately $6 billion, our cost-of-living relief is for 12 months as regional Australians battle Labor’s home-grown inflation crisis right now.  Labor’s cruel hoax on income tax reductions of 70 cents a day in 425 days’ time will cost over $17 billion over forward estimates,” Dr Webster said.

Legislation enacting the Coalition’s excise cut would be introduced on the first sitting day of the next Parliament, allowing the cut to come into effect as quickly as possible.

“This tricky Labor government’s message this week to Australians in many cases battling $50,000 a year more on their mortgage and $1,300 a year more (not $275 less) on their energy bills, was 40 cents a day energy bill relief until 31 December, then wait 6 months for 70 cents a day in modest income tax changes,” Dr Webster said.

“The Albanese Labor government have been fixated on playing political games with taxpayers money in Canberra, sabotaging the economy despite the federal revenue windfalls from the resource sector and ever growing tax takes.

“By contrast, the Dutton-Littleproud Coalition is laser-focused on immediate cost-of-living relief for all Australians.”

The Coalition halved fuel excise almost three years ago to the day in a pre-election Budget, which Labor did not continue in office despite Coalition calls for it to be extended.

For further comment please contact Rikki Lambert on 0427 310 770

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