Emma Kealy – LTE Hands Off Our Hospitals
Monday 17 June 2024
Dear Editor,
The past weekend should have been a huge wake-up call to an Allan Labor Government intent on dismantling local regional health services.
“Don’t mess with Mansfield!” was the passionate message to Labor from one resident who attended the 1000 strong rally to fight looming cuts and mergers to health services.
And it’s a message that is being echoed across the state as more regional Victorians hear about Labor’s plans for mega-mergers of regional hospitals.
At least 20 health services across Victoria are set to have their funding slashed – reportedly by up to 30 per cent.
In my electorate, the Grampians Health mega-merger has already demonstrated the detrimental effects of Labor’s savage cuts and appalling merger strategy, with local services including dentists, rehabilitation exercise programs and even social worker services cut.
As Labor pours billions of dollars into cost overruns on the Suburban Rail Loop in a few suburbs in Melbourne, regional Victorians are now forced to fight tooth and nail for Labor to fund for basic public health services.
It’s yet another example that Labor can’t manage money, can’t manage our health system and regional Victorians are paying the price.
The Nationals will continue to fight for the health services regional Victorians need, close to home.
And given the numbers at the rally in the proud town of Mansfield, it’s a fight that’s clearly only just begun.
Join our fight here www.handsoffourhospitals.com.au .