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Getting you home safely - Liberals and Nationals’ $10 billion roads plan

Victorian Nationals

Getting you home safely – Liberals and Nationals’ $10 billion roads plan

The Liberals and Nationals will tackle the woeful state of Victoria’s roads with a massive $10 billion commitment to road maintenance over ten years.

After almost a decade of Andrews Labor Government neglect, Victorians know our roads have gone from bad to worse with growing potholes and broken road surfaces.

Labor cut the road maintenance budget by 10 per cent when it came to government and, on top of recent wet years, our roads have never recovered.

In 2017, the Auditor-General warned the Andrews Labor Government of the poor state of Victorian roads and the lack of accountability for funding – but Labor has cut a further $200 million over the past two budgets.

Last year, Labor backed a recommendation to reduce speed limits on low-quality roads, rather than actually fixing them.

The Liberals and Nationals are committed to delivering better, safer roads by long-term, strategic planning across the road network.

This includes investing $10 billion over the coming 10 years in road maintenance funding, delivering longer-term contracts to promote innovation and give contractors certainty to invest in better equipment.

Under the Liberals and Nationals’ plan, the current annual road asset management budget will be increased from around $600 million per annum to $1 billion per annum.

Victorians are frustrated to see potholes or pavement failures appear months or even weeks after new works are undertaken.

As part of this investment, there will also be a review of construction standards, increasing accountability of VicRoads and contractors and a reduction in red and green tape that often escalates construction costs. There will also be an audit of all state-managed roads.

Leader of the Liberal Party, Matt Guy, said the Liberal and Nationals will address this neglect with a long-term commitment to turn the state of Victoria’s roads around.

“The Liberals and Nationals will deliver better roads through billions of dollars in investment to ensure everyone can get to work and crucial appointments, safely and on time,” Mr Guy said.

“Safe roads save lives. Roads budget cuts have never made sense as we watch our road network fall into a state of disrepair.”

Shadow Minister for Roads, Danny O’Brien, said while Labor reduces speed limits on roads, a Liberals and Nationals Government will actually tackle the problem.

“The Andrews Labor Government has neglected Victoria’s road network, ignoring the genuine concern of road users across the state, in both the city and the country,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Only the Liberals and Nationals will rebuild the state’s road network and invest in real solutions for all Victorians.”

The content above from the originating party/author(s) may be of a point-in-time nature and edited for style and length. The views and opinions expressed are those of the original author(s). View original. Disclaimer

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