Labor should apologise for RSL pokies debacle
The Andrews Government’s decision to abandon its heartless pursuit of RSL clubs over gaming machine entitlements they legally couldn’t use is well overdue.
Labor’s mean-spirited approach caused heartache and financial losses for community clubs just trying to do the right thing and supports our veterans and local communities.
The worst example was the Glenroy RSL sub-branch which was being pursued by Labor for payment for entitlements which the local council and the Supreme Court prohibited them from using.
Shadow Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Danny O’Brien, said this situation should never have eventuated.
“Labor has pursued community clubs mercilessly for payments they couldn’t make, for using gaming machine entitlements they couldn’t use,” Mr O’Brien said.
“If it weren’t for the efforts of my Liberal colleague Evan Mulholland and the media, Labor would no doubt have hoped this issue would go away.
“The government now needs to provide full details of the surrender scheme and ensure there are no unnecessary delays to its implementation.”
Liberal Member for Northern Metropolitan Region, Evan Mulholland, said that this is a great win for the RSL and is very welcome news that the government has been dragged kicking and screaming to this position.
“This demonstrates how effective advocacy from the Liberals and Nationals can achieve common sense outcomes for the community,” Mr Mulholland said.
“The government should also apologise to the RSL for the years of threatening letters and correspondence attempting to shake them down for pokies entitlements they could not even use.”