Melina Bath – Bath calls on Labor to fast track delayed CFA volunteer training
The Nationals’ Melina Bath used state parliament to call out the Allan Labor Government for frustrating delays to new CFA volunteer recruitment training.
Ms Bath told parliament Labor must expedite the ‘General Firefighter’ training course which is being delayed by many months in some areas.
“New CFA recruits build capacity in Victoria’s emergency services system and our regional communities desperately need them.
“Delaying training by up to five months is unacceptable – it is hard enough to attract new members, clearing volunteers for operational roles must be faster than half a year.”
“In eastern Victoria the landscape is incredibly dry and the bushfire risk leading into easter remains high.
“The Allan Government should not be delaying this critical training – it is essential new volunteers are upskilled to be on the fireground not cooling their heels on the sidelines.
“The survival of our regional Victorian communities is intrinsically linked to our local CFA volunteers who provide a surge capacity workforce.
Ms Bath said for over a decade Labor has disrespected our CFA volunteers.
“Many local brigades are struggling with not fit for purpose, substandard facilities and outdated equipment including firefighting trucks that are well past their used by date.
“Labor must engage new trainers and offer more courses to ensure our new recruits are active in their local brigade ready to serve their community.”
The Minister for Emergency Services’ response is due 21 March 2025.
Media contact – Jenni Rohde 0437 750 806