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#Opinion Failure to learn from previous disasters leaves WA under...

Victorian Nationals


Monday 1 July 2024


The Nationals’ candidate for the seat of Bendigo, Andrew Lethlean, is aiming to take ‘common sense to Canberra’ and use his years of small business experience to develop policies which will make a difference in regional communities.


Mr Lethlean was elected unopposed as The Nationals’ candidate for the next Federal election and believes the community is ready for a change in the style of representation it receives.


“As The Nationals’ candidate for Bendigo, I will be someone that you can depend on, someone that is respectful and friendly and someone that will step up to make a difference for our community,” Mr Lethlean said.


“Families across the goldfields region are struggling with cost of living pressures and we need a stronger voice in Federal Parliament to make sure our concerns are being heard.


“The Bendigo region deserves better than being taken for granted by the Labor Party as a so-called safe seat,” Mr Lethlean said.


“Just like our homegrown bank is the ‘better big bank’, I believe The Nationals are the ‘better big party’, and we can offer common sense solutions to the challenges facing regional Australia.


“As the party which is 100% focused on the future of regional Australia, I believe The Nationals can be trusted to deliver for the residents of Bendigo, Castlemaine, Kyneton and their surrounding townships. I’m excited by the chance to contest the next election.”


Mr Lethlean is a born and bred Bendigo local who has owned, operated, and managed hospitality businesses in the area for the last 24 years.


Mr Lethlean is well connected to the community through his involvement in sport and as a spokesperson for the hospitality industry.


Nationals State President Ms Jo Armstrong is proud the party has endorsed Mr Lethlean.


“I am delighted The Nationals have selected a highly capable candidate to join our federal team” Ms Armstrong said.


“With common sense and his deep connection to the local community, Andrew Lethlean will provide the people of Bendigo with a strong voice in Canberra”.


The Nationals’ Federal leader, David Littleproud, acknowledged it was a big task for his party to win the seat of Bendigo but is looking forward to the campaign.


“The Nationals are all about identifying local champions who are passionate about the future of their communities and backing them to make a difference in Federal Parliament,” Mr Littleproud said.


“Andrew Lethlean knows what it’s like to run a family business and create jobs for local people. He’s an outstanding candidate and I’m looking forward to campaigning alongside him to get rid of this government which has made life more difficult for regional people.”


Mr Lethlean plans to hit the ground running and won’t be waiting for the official campaign to start.


“I want to give people a choice. I understand that many Bendigo and district families are worse off today than they were before the last election and I’m looking forward to meeting as many people as possible and bringing forward positive plans for the future of our community,” Mr Lethlean said.


“I love the Goldfields region and I’m proud of everything our community already achieves but I know it could be even better with the right leadership.


“In the months ahead, I will be developing my positive plan for the future of Bendigo and central Victoria in consultation with the local community.


“It will be a plan which is based on common sense solutions for the future of regional Australia, and I will be working with The Nationals team to deliver a better deal for our community.”



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