Tim McCurdy – Labor’s Land Tax grab goes wrong
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Labor’s latest greedy tax grab has gone awry, with dozens being charged land-tax on their principal place of residence (PPR).
Nationals Member for Ovens Valley, Tim McCurdy, said that it was clear the Government has run out of money and was now going after locals.
“The Labor government for Melbourne have run out of money, and now they want yours – and nobody is safe.
“Pensioners and young families have been affected across the board as the cost-of-living crisis is biting thousands of families in the Ovens Valley.
“My office has been flooded with complaints around the land tax bills that have been mailed out recently, many of whom have been charged land tax on their Principal Place of Residence.”
In a blatant cash grab, the Labor government lowered the tax-free threshold from $300,000 to $50,000, while also slapping on an additional flat tax up to $975 on Victorian households.
Victorians are now paying the highest property taxes in Australia, with an average of $2120 in property taxes per person across this year, compared to $1646 in New South Wales and $1343 in Queensland.
Mr McCurdy concluded by encouraging locals to attend his office if they have been incorrectly charged and slapping the Labor Government for the financial mismanagement.
“The Victorian Labor government for Melbourne are showing us just how out of touch they are with working families.
“But the pain will continue, with Premier Allan refusing to back down on a $50 billion tunnel that only 20 per cent of Victorians will ever use.”