Tim McCurdy – Report reveals critical gaps in flood recovery efforts by Allan Labor…
Thursday 18 April 2024
Today, during a regional parliamentary sitting in Echuca, the Legislative Council Environment and Planning Committee tabled its interim report on the Inquiry into the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria.
The report focused on flood recovery in Northern Victoria and highlights significant shortcomings in the Allan Labor Government’s response and recovery efforts for flood impacted Victorians, 18 months on from the devastating event.
Alarming findings show that the complex processes involved in accessing financial aid for flood recovery intensified the suffering of numerous individuals, businesses, and communities. Complexities and delays have discouraged some from applying, while others found that the aid available did not meet their actual needs.
Another finding found a pressing demand for timely insurance processing to ease financial strain, and the broader issues of housing availability, affordability and suitability in the region created additional distress in housing flood affected people.
With the Inquiry Chair an inner-city Labor Party member, it highlights how the findings simply could not be ignored.
Currently, local councils are still awaiting financial assistance from the Allan Labor Government to address the significant damage to infrastructure in flood-affected areas.
Tim McCurdy, the Shadow Minister for Water, criticised the Allan Government for its slow response, noting that many communities are still waiting for appropriate support 18 months on from the floods.
“Loddon Shire Council has $30 million in infrastructure damage across the region but has received approval from the Commonwealth for disaster recovery funding that covers less than half of the $4.6 million already spent,” Mr McCurdy said.
“While the Allan Labor Government continues to waste billions on project blowouts on Melbourne infrastructure projects, regional Victorians impacted by floods continue to pay the price for Labor’s inability to manage money.
“Regional communities continue to miss out on the funding required to upgrade local infrastructure, making vital improvements that could help prevent severe infrastructure damage and save lives in a future flood event.
“With many residents still residing in temporary accommodation, the Allan Labor Government must do more.”