Billionaires are hoarding $600bn while three million Australians live in poverty
Billionaires don’t earn their money. They skim profits off the back of public subsidies and the labour of workers. While more than 3 million Australians live in poverty – including one in six kids – billionaires doubled their wealth to $584.5 billion between 2018 and 2024.
Australians understand the system is rigged against them. That’s why the Greens are fighting back. Our billionaires tax will raise $50 billion over the decade. We’ll use that money to get dental into Medicare, make it free to see the GP and 50-cent public transport fares.
We can’t keep voting for the same old parties and expecting something different. Labor and the Libs are bankrolled by billionaires and scared of upsetting them, so they’re never going to stand up to them. If you want change, you have to vote for a party that will fight for you.