Max-Chandler Mather launches Greens Public Property Developer Plan to tackle housing affordability
The Greens are fighting for renters and first home buyers. We will make sure everybody has a home they can actually afford.
Housing is an essential service and key to living a life with dignity. In a wealthy country like Australia everybody should have a secure home.
Watch Greens spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness, Max Chandler-Mather at the National Press Club as he launches the Greens first Federal Election policy, a public property developer that builds good quality homes to rent or buy at prices people can actually afford.
Work by the public developer would be informed by innovative projects such as the design principles of the Nightingale Model; this could include incorporating rooftop gardens, 8 star energy rating, and other design principles that save on construction costs, like removing basement carparks where developments are adjacent to public and active transport.
Building housing close to quality public infrastructure, including public parkland, public and active transport, education and health facilities and other community infrastructure, can ensure lower costs and higher quality of life for residents.
The Greens will also scrap the tax handouts for property investors and invest billions in building hundreds of thousands of good quality homes to be sold and rented at prices people can actually afford.