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Peter Whish-Wilson Exposes Advance & the Atlas Network

Australian Greens

Peter Whish-Wilson Exposes Advance & the Atlas Network

Are you wondering why we seem to have lost our democracy to big corporations, billionaires and those willing to mortgage our future and our planet’s future for a quick buck? Where we’ve landed is not an accident, it’s been decades in the making by powerful, shady interests who want to control our Parliaments and line their own pockets.

Following in the divisive, dishonest and dangerous footsteps of the Atlas Network in the US, we have now witnessed the rise of Advance in Australia — a Liberal-aligned, astroturfing group that claims to speak for the people of Australia, while really working for the fossil fuel industry and the wealthy. After leading the misinformation-rife NO campaign for a Voice to Parliament, Advance has now set its sights on trying to destroy the Australian Greens.

We must call out Advance and similar groups for what they are and who they serve. It is only through information the we will be able to combat the attack on our democracy that the Atlas Network represents.

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