Rich private schools use public money on capital works while public schools put up with demountables
Figures from March 2020 show that approximately 12% of classrooms in NSW public schools were in demountables. There’s been a 45% increase in demountables in NSW public schools from 2014 to 2020.
We see story after story of largesse from the richest private schools in Australia. Plunge pools for headmasters. Trips to watch a rowing race in England. A 50 metre Olympic pool, because their 25 metre one wasn’t quite good enough for the water polo team.
All Australian students deserve these sorts of amenities. All school kids, no matter their parents’ income, should have access to pools, auditoriums, state of the art theatres, technology and excursions.
But when the richest private schools get public money while the public sector crumbles, that is a moral wrong.