Senator Dorinda Cox calls for a WA Truth-Telling and Justice Commission
Truth-telling is opportunity for First Nations people to share their stories, experiences and struggle, and an opportunity for non-First Nations people to gain an enriched understanding of our shared history.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart asked for a Voice to Parliament and Makarrata – truth-telling and treaty making. Across the country, State and Territory Governments have committed to progressing Makarrata, and I’m calling on the WA Government to follow their lead by establishing a Western Australian Truth-Telling and Justice Commission.
Together with other First Nations and non-First Nations Western Australians, we have made this video to share what truth-telling means to us and how it can be a unifying, healing and positive force for our entire community.
Through truth-telling and truth-listening we can face past trauma and move towards meaningful reconciliation.
I call on the Western Australian Government to join with us on this journey by establishing a Truth-Telling and Justice Commission.
Dorinda Cox – Greens Senator for WA, Yamatji Noongar woman
Dr Brad Pettitt – Greens WA MLC South Metropolitan
Dr Richard Walley OAM – Aboriginal Productions and Promotions, Noongar man
Jack Collard – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander International Engagement Organisation, Noongar man
Clinton Walker – Ngurrangga Tours, Ngarluma Yindjibarndi man
Vanessa Culbong – Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Noongar Yamatji Woman of the Whadjuk, Wardandi, Wilemen, Menang, Korang and Yingarrarda nations
Andrew Vlahov OAM – LifePark
Karla Hart – Karla Hart Productions, Goreng Noongar woman
Corina Martin – Aboriginal Family Law Services, Mulgyin Jaru-Kitja Gooniyandi woman
Heidi Mippy – Noongar Land Enterprise Group, Noongar Thiin-Mah Warriyangka woman
Gail Beck OAM – RUAH, Bibbulmun Noongar woman
Esther Montgomery – Consultant, Mardudhunera woman
Laurence Riley – Assistant Ombudsman Aboriginal Engagement and Collaboration, Noongar man
Dwayne Mallard – Arjaway, Wajarri-Nanda Yamatji man
Professor Fiona Stanley AC – University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids Institute