The Greens will fix employment services by abolishing mutual obligations and restoring the CES
The privatised employment services system is costly, ineffective and cruel. It makes it harder for people to look for and find work while enriching for-profit providers, many of whom have demonstrated a callous indifference to the wellbeing of the people they’re meant to help.
Mutual obligations are not only cruel, they’re completely dysfunctional. Multiple ongoing technology issues have rendered the system almost inoperable, while information that’s recently come to light raises serious questions about the legality of the whole scheme.
We’d be better off doing away with the system altogether rather than continuing to throw good money after bad on something that is costly to administer and completely counterproductive.
Labor have shown repeatedly that they’d rather sit on their hands than overhaul a clearly malfunctioning system that’s falling apart at the seams.
This election the Greens are fighting to keep Dutton out of power, so we can push a minority Labor government to put job services back in government hands, and ensure we have a fit-for-purpose social security system that lifts us all up.