The Australian Greens Over 80 housing, renting, community, health and youth organisations have called for caps on rent increases and significant improvements to renters rights. Their calls include greater stability...
The Australian Greens Labor are making it easier for an investor to buy their 10th property, driving up property prices and depriving the government of revenue that could be put...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown speaks on the failure of carbon capture and storage technologySpeaking on the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment (Using New Technologies To Fight Climate Change) Bill 2023,...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown speaks about the impacts of the Brisbane 2032 OlympicsSpeaking on the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Regulator Performance) Bill 2023, which clarifies the use of the Olympic...
Australian Greens Elizabeth Watson-Brown asks why Labor's climate response is new coal and gasIn the middle of this climate crisis Labor's Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, keeps approving new coal mines...
The Australian Greens The Greens will keep fighting to raise Jobseeker and all income support payments above the poverty line to $88 a day. View Original | Disclaimer
The Australian Greens Is this you? Has this ever been you? ✋ Then you should make a submission to the National Rental Inquiry before they close this Friday. The more...
The Australian Greens Meanwhile Labor are approving more coal and gas. How many more must suffer through catastrophic fires and devastating floods before our Government puts out safety before the...
The Australian Greens Submissions to the National Rental Inquiry close August 4th. Submissions take 5min. Get yours in today! 🏠Submissions to the National Rental Inquiry close August 4th. Submissions take...