Charlie Pinard and Eadie Hartwig are two year 8 students on a mission. They’re the brains behind the Climate Letter Project, a program that empowers grade 5 and 6 students to write to the Prime Minister and other Ministers urging action on climate change.
Here’s how it works. Charlie and Eadie drop in on primary schools in Indigo Shire and run an hour of hands-on activities and discussion about climate change. They teach kids how to write letters to politicians asking that they stop deforestation, invest in projects and businesses that help reduce carbon emissions, and share their visions and hopes for the future of Australia. They’ve been to four schools already and they’re off to Osbournes Flat Primary next week.
These two young people absolutely blew me away. This project works because it’s not older folks talking down to students about climate change, it’s young people talking to young people. They use positive language about how they want the world to be. When there’s so much to worry about with climate change, Charlie and Eadie are leading the way with their positive and inspiring message of hope and action.
If you’re a school in Indigo Shire and you want a visit from the Climate Letter Project, get in touch with them at [email protected]. Thanks Eadie and Charlie for giving me a fresh burst of energy to keep fighting for climate change action.
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