Mountain biking is a huge growth area for tourism in our region, with more and more people getting into the sport and seeking out new thrills on our trails.
This week was the official opening of the IndigoEPIC
trail – 56 kms of trail between Beechworth and Yackandandah – and the trail is looking fantastic!Funded with $1 million from the Federal Government through the Building Better Regions Fund and $1 million from Indigo Shire, it’s expected this attraction will bring an extra 12,500 visitors to the region and inject $5 million into the economy per annum.
It’s a great story for our tourism businesses, but also for locals who get to enjoy our beautiful scenery and work up some adrenaline!
Now we all know what we’re doing this weekend don’t we?
Details of the trail and map can be found here: https://www.ridehighcountry.com.au/mountain-biking/indigo-epic-trail/?fbclid=IwAR20K2M0y66Qlogl7v1lxAvsf_op3DoLZrETcUru2DaqVQT54mK6dd-EG5M
Ride High Country Victoria’s High Country Explore Beechworth Explore Yackandandah Indigo Shire Council